While we do have a Registered Holistic Nutritionist on staff who is happy to assist wherever needed and help you with product selection, we are not your personal Nutritionist or health care provider.
All information provided and suggestions made are for educational and informational purposes only and should always be double checked by your own research and does not subsitute the advice of your doctor, naturopath or health care practitioner.
Any health concerns or conditions should be discussed with your own health care provider and we are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or conditions.
All supplements and or dietary changes should always be discussed with your own practitioner prior to purchase and checked for any contraindications to medications you may be currently taking. Always check with your own doctor before making any changes to your supplement routine and use at your own risk.
Jessica Scollo R.H.N and Nourish Natural Health Food Store LTD do not accept responsibility for any action or claim resulting from the use of information provided or from using any products or supplements.